Canadians — especially those on the Prairies — don’t want an anti-Islamophobia day: poll

Should Jan. 29 be set aside to combat Islamophobia?

That day — tomorrow —  is the first anniversary of the mass murder at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City. Six Muslims were killed in this hate crime.

Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders in Canada would like to take a stand against intolerance and see Jan. 29th declared a National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia.

A recent Forum Poll suggests that many Canadians are against this.

Forum Research polled 1,408 Canadian voters and found half (49%) disapproved of designating such a day. Almost 40% disapproved strongly.

Mourners walk out after a funeral service for three of the victims of the deadly shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre, at the Congress Centre in Quebec City, Quebec,on February 3, 2017.

Approval came from only 17% of those polled; strong approval was noted among 7%.

The same number — 7% — say they don’t know, while fully a quarter (26%) neither approve nor disapprove.

So who is on the nay side? That would be older, wealthier men living in the Prairies or Canada, half with university degrees and 69% of whom support the Conservative party.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (R) wipes a tear as he stands beside Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard during funeral services for three of the victims of the deadly shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, February 2, 2017. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday attended the funeral of two Algerians and a Tunisian man killed with three others in a mosque shooting, as he seeks to pull together a nation shaken by the hate crime. Up to 5,000 mourners were expected to pack a hockey arena in Montreal’s Olympic park for the funeral, while millions across Canada watch it on television.

Those who approve a National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia are aged 34 or younger and support the Liberals or the NDP. They are also the least wealthy (26%).

The question asked was: Would you approve or disapprove of a national day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia?

Results based on the total sample are considered accurate +/- 3%, 19 times out of 20.

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