Elderly man reverses Parkinson’s, medical community ignores him
By Rachel Alexander
Rachel Alexander asks if big pharma’s influence is to blame in case of 82-year-old fencing champ
An Arizona man who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease has figured out how to halt and reverse the symptoms, but discovered that no one seems to care. Hans Bogensberger, an 82-year-old retired nuclear physicist from Sun City, believes the principles of quantum physics explain what happened and would like to share how he did it with others suffering from the disease.
He didn’t just stop the disease from progressing, but he reversed the symptoms. The hair on the top of his head has started growing back. He now competes in fencing and is the fencing champion for his age group in Arizona.
Parkinson’s occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough dopamine, destroying or disabling brain cells and neurons. This results in tremors, loss of balance, hallucinations, loss of memories and more. Until now, Parkinson’s could not be stopped, only slowed.
ogensberger developed Parkinson’s in his late 60s or early 70s, and it progressed to the stage where he could hardly walk. He lost his long and short-term memory, and could no longer create poetry or remember geography and science.
Two or three years ago, entering his 80s and feeling miserable with all of the symptoms, Bogensberger felt like returning to the sport of saber fencing, which he played when he was 13 to 14 years old. It was one of a few simple things his brain could easily remember. He could barely stand up to do it.
He found that the more he played, the better he got until he said he’d gained “absolute control over my brain and the balance of my body when I am fighting.” Several of his Parkinson’s symptoms mostly disappeared while he was fighting as well. He got so good he started beating his coach, who is 72.
In June 2023, Bogensberger participated in an open-age fighting competition where he qualified to compete in the 80-year-plus division of the National U.S. Fencing Championship. He fought against others who had been fighting, unlike him, for up to 60 years and who had been the U.S. champion many times before. He came in fifth place. This made him the reigning champion of Arizona for 2023 in that age group. “Do you know another Parkinson’s patient in the world who can do that?” he asks.
He started remembering unusual, difficult names he had forgotten. When I met him, I noticed no physical symptoms like tremors; he was vibrant and in great shape for a man his age.
The one caveat is that the intense exercise must continue. Bogensberger noticed when he let up, the symptoms began creeping back. As long as he regularly engages in vigorous activity, such as golf or swimming, the symptoms go away.
Bogensberger believes the connection to quantum physics relates to twins – under certain conditions, when a free particle is produced a twin also appears. The difference between the twins is the way they spin; one spins up and the other spins down, and they communicate. They can send instructions to each other, like how to build a cell. He believes the twins are repairing or building new cells in his body.
Unfortunately, neurologists he’s spoken with about his miraculous recovery disagree that exercise has made the difference. Almost none of the organizations or governmental agencies associated with the treatment of Parkinson’s recommend vigorous exercise in their Parkinson’s overviews, including the National Institute of Health’s National Institute on Aging, the Mayo Clinic and the John Hopkins site, which merely says “exercise” in a long list of treatments almost as an afterthought.
The website for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research appears to say nothing at all about exercise. The Parkinson’s Foundation does include a section on exercise, but only one-quarter of it suggests anything close to rigorous – aerobic activity – and there is no emphasis on its importance. The site merely says, “Exercise can improve many PD symptoms.”
Harvard Health offers a lukewarm endorsement, stating “exercise may be one of the best – and most underutilized – ways of combating the condition, according to the March 2012 Harvard Health Letter.”
Bogensberger is telling everyone about his remarkable experience and cannot understand why no one in the medical field has any interest in examining him as a test subject. Is the reason there is little interest because of big pharma? The medical community is so heavily funded by big pharma that perhaps scientists are unable to get adequate funding to look into a cure that wouldn’t involve pharmaceuticals.
There are a few people out there writing about how vigorous exercise combats all kinds of diseases and illness, like Andy Coghlan. But they are small voices among a sea of researchers funded by big pharma.
Very few studies have been done in this area. Daniel Corcos, the study principal investigator and a professor of physical therapy and human movement sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, concluded, “Endurance exercise is the only treatment with evidence for slowing Parkinson’s disease progression.” So why is exercise not listed as the top remedy on the sites devoted to Parkinson’s?
Bogensberger also believes the brain foods carbidopa/levodopa, which are typically used to treat Parkinson’s, have some success reducing his symptoms.
His case should be highlighted on every major site dealing with Parkinson’s. This is a travesty that others suffering from the devastating disease do not know about his experience. I sat and talked with him for several hours, learning his entire story. Hopefully, some brave research scientist will find the courage – and funding – to look into his situation in much more detail and get the word out. Millions of people around the world have Parkinson’s, with an average life expectancy after diagnosis of seven to 15 years. How many thousands of people are suffering needlessly?
Tags: Canadian conservatives, Canadian news, Canadian politics, Conservative Canadians, conservatives, Elderly man reverses Parkinson’s, medical community ignores him, pipelines, right for CanadaCategorised in: Canadian News