After a CBC interview aired Sunday, Maxime Bernier’s Twitter account launched into an angry rant, accusing host Wendy Mesley of a “smear job.”
The tweets linked to the video, arguing that Mesley fabricated a story “about a libertarian conspiracy funded by US billionaires, and implies with her repeated questions about it that I violate Canadian electoral laws.”
Mesley pushed back on the same platform, saying she never made that claim. Bernier said she implied it via repeated questions.
There’s no question it was a strange interview. But while Bernier, the founder of the People’s Party of Canada, has been making headlines recently for his tweets and statements decrying increasing diversity in Canada, how strong are his connections to the two libertarian American billionaires Charles and David Koch?
First off, who are the Koch brothers?
The Koch brothers are two American oil-and-gas billionaires who have become renowned in the last decade for massive donations to free-market think tanks and right-wing politicians. Just like people on the right describe George Soros as the mastermind of all nefarious activity on the left (for example, type “Justin Trudeau George Soros” into Google), the Kochs are the scary billionaires on the right.