In Maxime Bernier’s not-quite-tell-all book, he promises to reveal how he can ‘fix’ Canada

‘The book will be about my vision of the country. What’s wrong with our country and how we can fix it’

By Catherine Cullen, CBC News

In those anxious days before the Conservative leadership vote, while other candidates practised their pitches to the party faithful, Maxime Bernier was spotted rehearsing his victory speech.

That speech never saw the light of day, but Bernier wants to change that with a new book he’s writing.

“I will have an annex called ‘the speech that I never delivered.’ That was the winning speech that I didn’t deliver because, as you know,” he said, laughing, “I didn’t win.”

Releasing a victory speech after losing is an unconventional move, but Bernier prides himself on defying at least some political conventions —Think supply management, but more on that later.

In his as of yet untitled book, Bernier will delve into the leadership race and his campaign strategy. He’ll talk about what drew him into politics and his years in Stephen Harper’s cabinet. He, however, is promising precious little space for “gossip” or anything to do with a certain ex-girlfriend.

“The book will be about my vision of the country. What’s wrong with our country and how we can fix it.”

For Bernier, now the Conservative critic for Innovation, Science and Economic Development, that means more freedom and less government. It is a return to the values that guided his leadership campaign.

“You can call Maxime Bernier a real free market guy or a Libertarian on the economy, ” he told CBC News.

He has a publisher and has already delivered a first chapter. He’s eyeing early 2019 for a potential release date but admits it will depend on how quickly he can write — in English. The book will be released in both official languages.

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