Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son detained in Calgary for preaching against drag show targeting kids
Calgary police ticketed the young Pawlowski under a new city bylaw banning ‘specified’ protests against pro-LGBT events held at public facilities
(LifeSiteNews) –– The son of pastor Artur Pawlowski could be facing massive fines and possible jail time after he preached Bible verses outside a drag queen story time held at a public library over the weekend, which Calgary police said violates a new city bylaw banning such protests.
On Saturday, Nathaniel Pawlowski, whose father Artur made headlines the world over in 2021 and 2022 for going against COVID health rules banning worship, was detained and ticketed by Calgary Police Service (CPS) because he was preaching too “close” to the drag event.
Pawlowski told Fox News that he was outside the event, which was held at a Calgary Public library, “just to preach, read the Bible and just speak.”
Video of the incident on Saturday was posted on his father Artur’s Rumble account and shows Pawlowski along with his friend Deklan Friesen speaking to a crowd outside the library.
full story at https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pastor-artur-pawlowskis-son-detained-in-calgary-for-preaching-against-drag-show-targeting-kids/
Tags: Canadian conservatives, Canadian news, Canadian politics, Conservative Canadians, conservatives, Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son detained in Calgary for preaching against drag show targeting kids, pipelines, right for CanadaCategorised in: Canadian News