Pilot says his dreams for his family have been ruined by Pfizer shot injuries

by Pierre Boralevi

Cody Flint was one of the dozens of vaccine victims who testified on the steps of the Supreme Court yesterday at the ‘Freedom of Choice’ Rally in the national capital.

(LifeSiteNews) — An agricultural pilot from Mississippi has developed life altering adverse effects after taking the COVID vaccine, ruining his dreams for his family’s future.

Cody Flint shared his tragic story at a rally for vaccine victims held in Washington, D.C. yesterday.  

“I had built an incredible future for my family, and it is gone—like that,”  he said Cody Flint.  

Flint was one of the dozens of vaccine victims who testified on the steps of the Supreme Court yesterday at the “Freedom of Choice” Rally in the national capital. 

The 33-year-old pilot gave a 10-minute-long testimony in the rain and made a moving plea for parental consent.  

Flint got his first dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine on February 1, 2021, and within thirty minutes developed a severe headache which later became “a burning sensation” in his neck and a “feeling of being drunk.”  

The pilot initially thought that the reaction was normal and would go away. 

It didn’t.  

full story at https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/watch-pilot-testifies-how-covid-jab-injuries-ended-his-career-took-his-dreams-away/

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