Corbella: Trudeau’s cynicism over jobs grant funding is farcical but not funny

 Licia Corbella Licia Corbella

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Canada Summer Jobs debacle is growing even more farcical but not any more funny.

The B.C. advocacy group Dogwood got federal funding to hire an organizing assistant to help the not-for-profit “stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline and tanker project.”

The feds are creating a $15-an-hour job designed to stop thousands of high-paying jobs — not to mention huge royalty revenues and property taxes — that would be created if the federally approved twinning of the already-existing 65-year-old Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline is allowed to proceed.

Meanwhile, The Mustard Seed Street Ministry — and thousands of other faith-based organizations like it — got zero Canada Summer Jobs funding from the federal government to help feed, house, clothe, train and love Canada’s most vulnerable and poor citizens experiencing homelessness.

Many faith-based organizations were denied funding from the federal program owing to them refusing to sell their souls for a few pieces of silver. Trudeau and his government insisted that to qualify for a grant to hire university students, the applying organization had to sign an attestation stating that the organization’s core mandate respects “reproductive rights.”

As Steve Wile, CEO of The Mustard Seed, says, the Christian aid organization has never had to take a stand on abortion before because its core mandate is to minister to tens of thousands of poor and addicted people in Calgary, Red Deer and Edmonton. Nevertheless, the wording of the attestation made it impossible to sign, since it required applicants to essentially agree with the federal Liberal party platform on abortion.

Last year, The Seed received federal funding to hire 17 students to work across Canada. This year, The Seed got nothing. As a result, the organization only hired six students, partly from $30,000 that came in from church folk following news coverage of the attestation controversy.

Wile says he sent a letter prior to applying for the grants seeking to remove the part of the attestation that said they support abortions. The response he received from the government told him he must sign the attestation or forgo any funding.

According to Labour Minister Patty Hajdu’s office, 1,683 applications for funding were rejected, a spike of more than 1,400 over last year.

“We decided not to apply at all,” said Wile on Thursday. His conscience and his Christian faith made it impossible.

Wile points out that not only are Canada’s most vulnerable people not going to receive the same level of care had The Seed received federal jobs funding, but the students miss out on “the opportunity to serve others and to understand those in our community who have less than we do,” said Wile.

“When people work here, they are changed because they see the other side of life and the complexities behind what brings a lot of people to us and their eyes are opened and their hearts are expanded,” explained Wile. Beautiful words.

Meanwhile, Trudeau’s answers in the House of Commons on Wednesday were filled with sophistry, cynicism and untruths.

Andrew Scheer, leader of the federal Conservatives, asked: “Does the prime minister not realize that paying groups to protest against these projects is exactly part of the problem?”

Mr. Speaker, unlike apparently the leader of the official Opposition, we believe in free speech,” said Trudeau with a straight face. “We believe in advocacy on this side of the House.”

It’s an astonishing answer from a prime minister who has forced entire swaths of the population to be excluded from a federal program because they refused to violate their right to the freedom of conscience, religion and expression — which includes not being forced to say or sign something you fundamentally oppose.

Wile said he found that comment from Trudeau particularly galling.

“Prime Minister Trudeau says he believes in free speech and yet he denies it to all these faith-based groups like ours because their free speech is not accepted by the government. So he doesn’t really believe in free speech at all.”

Naturally, the House erupted at Trudeau’s Orwellian answer. When the Speaker settled everyone down, Trudeau continued saying: 

“On the issue of this particular advocacy group, it is important to highlight that it was also funded under the Harper government.”

Trudeau’s own words prove the opposite of what he constantly tries to say about the former Harper government. Citizens’ access to government programs was not based on the beliefs of the recipients. It’s the federal Liberals who are doing that, something that has been condemned even by pro-abortion groups.

“We will not remove funding from advocacy organizations because we as a government happen to disagree with them,” Trudeau said. Naturally, the House went ballistic at that comment and the PM’s use of divisive identity politics.

“Mr. Speaker, what the prime minister just said will come as a great surprise to the member for Bonavista-Gander-Grand Falls-Windsor,” said Scheer, referring to Liberal MP Scott Simms, who lost his committee position after voting against his own government’s stance on summer jobs grants.

“There is nobody who believes that the prime minister is committed to free speech when he punishes all those in this country who do not agree with his personal point of view,” said Scheer.

In Calgary Wednesday, Canada United Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney perhaps summed things up best when he said:

“Trudeau basically says, ‘If you’re involved in … illegal protests, if you’re involved in undermining our constitutional respect for the rule of law and free trade within Canada and federal jurisdiction over pipelines, if you’re involved in opposing all of those things, you get rewarded with a handout,’” said Kenney. “But if you’re serving the homeless, the poor and disadvantaged kids but you won’t sell your conscience out to Justin Trudeau you get punished.”

This Canada Summer Jobs controversy is a farce that is quickly turning tragic.

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