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Facebook Labels Duck Dynasty Patriarch’s Content as ‘Graphic Violence’

He’s known as the Duck Commander, the patriarch of the family featured in the hit reality show Duck Dynasty.

And outspoken is far too mild a word to describe him.

The show’s no longer on the air, but Phil Robertson is. He’s the star of a new online show, Conservative Review‘s “In the Woods with Phil,” and he’s already making waves.

Recently, Robertson posted a video on Facebook. But the social media site decided to label the video “graphic violence and gore” because Robertson is shown preparing a duck he had killed for dinner, RedState reports.

Robertson plucks the bird over a pot as he talks about great music and Christian values, as well as how much he loves organic food straight from God’s creation. He also beheads the duck with a clean cut from a butcher’s knife.

Robertson showed the screen he received on his video and asked where people think their food comes from.

As Conservative Review points out, the video is currently unembeddable from Robertson’s page. You can still view it complication free at CR’s Facebook page, however … for now.

Undoubtedly, many people reported Roberton’s video as violent the moment it hit. Robertson, being an enthusiastic Christian has made him a target in the past. In 2013, A&E suspended Robertson from his own show after he called homosexuality a sin.

Robertson ripped the ruling.

The Duck Commander is back.

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