Deep Blue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Bused Nearly 60,000 Migrants Out of Their Areas
by Warner Todd Huston
Liberals have spent the last few years finger-pointing at Texas for mistreating migrants by bussing them north, but those same deep-blue, Democrat-dominated cities have also turned around and bussed nearly 60,000 right out again and to other blue cities.
According to a detailed article in the New York Times, Texas’ Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has bussed around 120,000 migrants from his border towns to other cities, including New York City, Washington, DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, and Philadelphia.
Most of these migrants who benefited from the Texas transportation program originated in Venezuela, but many others were from a host of poverty-stricken countries.
With his bussing plan, Abbott changed the debate over immigration. Lacking the bus trips to points north, Texas would have been a longer-term destination for these border crossers, and they would have taken much longer to disseminate into other states. This would have allowed Democrats a length of time to accuse Texas of abusing migrants without having to worry about any consequences on their home turf.
But once tens of thousands of migrants began to flood into their cities, blue states were forced to step up to spend billions on housing and other freebies and put their sanctuary claims to the test. While these northern states did not mind Texas being forced to spend billions on migrants, it was another story when they were forced to join Texas in the expenditure.
Indeed, since the Texas busing program began, many of these northern cities have struck up bus programs of their own.
full story at https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2024/07/22/report-deep-blue-sanctuary-cities-bused-60000-migrants-out/
Tags: Canadian conservatives, Canadian news, Canadian politics, Conservative Canadians, conservatives, Deep Blue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Bused Nearly 60K Migrants Out of Their Areas, pipelines, right for CanadaCategorised in: Canadian News