Jordan Peterson says he rejected regulator’s offer to pay legal fees in exchange for resignation
(LifeSiteNews) — Best-selling Canadian author and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson says his regulatory college offered him a deal to “be bought” in which the legal fees owed to them after losing his court challenge could be waived but only if he agreed to quit his job as a psychologist.
Peterson, who gained fame for his vigorous defense of free speech, announced the offer, as he put it, “to be bought” from the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) in an opinion piece posted by the National Post on October 11. He said that lawyers from the CPO told him that “a settlement offer might be possible” if he resigned, but doing so would bar him from being able to practice in the province.
He noted the CPO’s “first offer was (get this – and I still can’t believe it): ‘If Dr. Peterson agrees to resign, we would be willing to forgo the legal costs the court ruled he owes us!’”
Peterson observed that the CPO’s “opening gambit was based on the assumptions (1) that I could be bought and (2) that I could be bought cheaply.”
“The first was truly insulting, as well as preposterous: If cost alone was going to stop me, it would have happened long ago,” he wrote.
“The second was ironically laughable, and an indication of their ignorance regarding what is at stake here: If I was for sale – and I am not – it would be for a hell of a lot more than the court costs that the Supreme Court deemed me liable for when my appeal was rejected.”
Peterson said that he is already in “over my head for a lot more than that on the expenditure side alone.”
“In addition, I have enough stable sources of income now arrayed around me such that the amount in question is not a relevant determinant of my behaviour, as the college tyrannocrats should have realized, had they done an iota of necessary homework.”
Peterson observed that one of the reasons the CPO has begun to negotiate with him over the fees owed is because it is now “backed in a corner.”
full story at https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/jordan-peterson-says-he-rejected-regulators-offer-to-pay-legal-fees-in-exchange-for-resignation/
Tags: Canadian conservatives, Canadian news, Canadian politics, Conservative Canadians, conservatives, Jordan Peterson says he rejected regulator’s offer to pay legal fees in exchange for resignation, pipelines, right for CanadaCategorised in: Canadian News