NATO Leaders Are Pressuring Canada To Boost Its Low Defense Spending

But Justin Trudeau Is Eager To Talk… About Climate Change!

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is always ready to yell ‘Slava Ukraine’ while posing with other heads of state for photographs, or else receive Volodymyr Zelensky with honors in his Parliament to celebrate elderly Nazis to the scandal of the world, when it comes to defense spending, that’s when the real commitment – or lack thereof – is shown for all to see.

As the North Atlantic Treaty Organization celebrates its 75 years, Trudeau’s Canada is under relentless pressure to increase its underwhelming military spending.

Ottawa continues to fall short of the target of 2% of the GDP that NATO members agreed to, raising fears that the country ‘is becoming an outlier among its allies’.

BBC reported: “Canada, a NATO-founding member, ranks seventh overall in the amount of money spent on defense among the 32-nation alliance.

But it falls way short of the alliance’s doctrine, which requires Nato countries to spend at least 2% of their GDP on the military. Using that metric, Canada – which spends 1.34% of its GDP on its military – is ahead of only Slovenia, Turkey, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg in the alliance.”

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