Trudeau’s Proposed Hate Speech Law Could Apply Retroactively And Preemptively
If you thought Scotland’s ‘hate speech’ law was bad, get a load of this. Justin Trudeau’s government in Canada has proposed its own hate speech legislation that could be applied to anything said or posted in the past, present or future.
Bill C-63, known as the Online Harms Act proposes potential prison sentences and huge fines for anyone who engages in wrongthink.
Now some are suggesting that the proposed legislation leaves the door open for it to be applied to past speech indiscretions.
It sounds so insane that Elon Musk asked Community Notes to fact check it, resulting in a clarification only that the legislation is not a law… yet.
Detractors argued that the proposed law doesn’t explicitly say it can be applied retroactively.
However, it doesn’t not say that either:
In fact it specifically creates a so called ‘continuous communication’ clause that means old tweets, for example, that are still live can be considered current speech.
If the post was retweeted, the person doing the retweeting AND the original tweeter could be prosecuted for it.
Xi Van Fleet, who lived through Mao’s cultural revolution, noted the similarities:
It doesn’t end there.
It legislates for the ability to preemptively punish people for things they haven’t yet said.
Yes, really.
Top it all off with a warrantless searches clause:
Perhaps the most frightening thing is that Trudeau seems to really believe he is fighting against the dark side.
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Tags: Canadian conservatives, Canadian news, Canadian politics, Conservative Canadians, conservatives, pipelines, right for Canada, Trudeau’s Proposed Hate Speech Law Could Apply Retroactively And PreemptivelyCategorised in: Canadian News