Thoughts On Freedom

How Justin Trudeau lost his grip

The prime minister’s bleak reality: Canadians don’t like him anymore.

Justin Trudeau could lose Canada’s next election because he’s just not as angry as the country he leads.

The prime minister has been getting smoked in the polls. His rival is a savvy and fiery conservative dismissed at the outset by Trudeau’s inner circle as too cantankerous for mainstream appeal.

In the year since taking over Canada’s Conservatives, Pierre Poilievre has tapped grievance politics and assembled a coalition of populists, social conservatives and center-right moderates that would make him the favorite if a vote were held any time soon. Conservatives sit ahead of Trudeau’s Liberals with a 10-point lead.

“Arrogant,” “dishonest” and “corrupt” among top words Canadians use to describe Trudeau

A large portion of Canadians believe that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is “arrogant,” “dishonest” and “corrupt,” a new Angus Reid poll reveals.

According to the Sept. 27 poll, 49% of respondents believed that the word “arrogant” best described the prime minister. Another 45% said they believed that Trudeau was “dishonest,” while 39% said he was “corrupt.”

37% of those polled picked the word “charismatic” to describe Trudeau while 36% said he was weak.

In comparison, 40% of Canadians said Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre was “arrogant.” Other words used to describe Poilievre include “strategic”, “bully” and “dishonest.”

Crackdown on Freedom Convoy Violated Canadians’ Rights, Says Court

The Canadian government’s use of emergency powers against the Freedom Convoy protest of restrictive COVID-19 policies was unreasonable and led to the infringement of individual rights, a federal judge ruled this week. The case was brought by two protesters whose bank accounts were frozen, with support from civil liberties groups. While the plaintiffs will receive some compensation for legal costs, the main result of the decision, which the government plans to appeal, is to limit the power of the state to treat political opposition as an “emergency.” It also further hobbles the prospects of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is wildly unpopular among Canadians.

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